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Requested Directions to Play Coed Crazy

As requested what follows is what I deem idiot proof directions to launch Coed Crazy and enter the competition:

Step one: click the Coed Crazy button/logo in the right column of the blog under "Grad Game Arcade." You can also go to the Grad Games Arcade Directly. Clicking the Coed Logo should open up a new window that will load/stream the game...if you are using Internet Explorer just accept any Vitalize and subsequent extension downloads after you click the button. I have popup blocker and the game still launches, but some popup blockers may be more aggressive than others.

Step two: window opens but stuff isn't happening...again refer to the right column of the blog and click to test if you have Vitalize to run the games. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, or other browsers you may need to install the Vitalize plugin:

Step three: If you are still not playing by now, comment below with your problems. If you are playing and want to win $5, get the highscore and make sure that your name input matches up with your email. Refer to other rules here.

Hope that answers everyone's questions. Please comment below to discuss and help each other out if you have further problems. Enjoy!

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