Gibbage Indie PC GAME REVIEW!
The things I think about Gibbage:
1. That it is very Fun with a human friend to play
2. It has some serious control issues
3. The gameplay is a cool mix of platforming and deathmatch
4. Graphics and presentation are sleek, unique, and that Gibbage has an exceptional artistic direction...but the game graphics are too small
5. Best Indie Game Music Ever!
6. That Gibbage embodies what the Indie game industry should be about: well-made, different and distinctive games, that are a true value for the amount of fun that can be had.
Does this all amount to a fantastic score and a must-buy game? Read on to Find out!
Gameplay: 6/10Pros: Old-school / Retro twitch gameplay. Very fast and hectic. Unique yet familiar deathmatch gameplay. Plenty of levels, weapons, and great blood etc. effects. There's nothing better than a flowery meadow getting soaked with blood and clone parts during a match.
Cons: Controls are very frustrating. Sticking to walls is very awkward...I would've liked to see a wall slide type mechanic al la Megaman X. Jumping as a whole is inaccurate. I was unable to consistently double jump, land jumps, etc. and found myself falling to my death (in levels where possible). The controls are made even worse by the fact that it affects playability and results in lost matches or unintended deaths. The controls also make even the lowest difficulty A.I. look like a jumping ace. This control issue is a real shame because ultimately it is the only major flaw of Gibbage. There was also the occasional collision problem in some levels, but I always managed to free myself so no big deal.
Graphics: 8/10Pros: Amazing Art Style and presentation. Love the cartoony clones, zombies, etc. Bomb explosions are a testament to a simple yet so sweet animation/effect...I just love the way they look. Again as noted above, the playfield gets saturated with blood, body parts, etc. which is really cool. Getting a frag and seeing the cute little clone falling to pieces is very rewarding.
Cons: Art-style may not be for everyone, but screw them... Only real issue is the size of the graphics. They are too small. I think shrinking the screen/or enabling scrolling would have really helped the graphics and art style shine.
Sound/Music: 10/10
Pros: Best Theme music ever! The gibbage opening music is part James Bond Spy Movie, meets groove, meets game, meets AMAZING! It is just so damn good. Instantly catchy and memorable...and the music just starts your engine and keeps it churning round after round, level after level. The sounds are completely sufficient...don't shine like the music, but honestly how could they?
Cons: I dare you to try and find some in this category!
Lasting Appeal: 9/10Pros: Plenty of levels, weapons, and unique platform-collecting items and deathmatch gameplay for anyone. I found the AI to be very challenging on the lowest level (maybe I just suck) but I think there is a lot of replay value in that. The way levels are unlocked keeps you saying, "just one more to try out this new level"
Cons: The control issue is a problem. Jumping just does not feel right and there are issues...and quirks that you have to work through. Online Multiplayer would have been REALLY Nice, but I understand how hard it would've been and Gibbage, believe it or not, was made by only one person. That being said, I think Gibbage's gameplay could easily support 4 player deathmatch locally and online. Maybe these are just hopes and dreams...or for gibbage 2. 4-player would also make the graphics small size more excusable. While you are at it, some customizable match settings would be nice... i.e. first to 10 frags, or 10 lives, no collecting crystals, starting weapons, etc. would be really sweet! Not really critiques, so much as suggestions for the next Gibbage.
Average: 82.50%
Tilt: +4.50%
Gibbage, to me, is a symbol of what Indie games should be about: Unique games that are a great value, not some new match 3 clone or some ridiculously frilly and soul-less casual game (sorry bedazzled, bejeweled, whatever). Gibbage is very much a gamer's game. You know a category I don't have...value. Gibbage is only 6 pounds or about $10 and offers a lot and would score a perfect 10 in such a Value category. Gibbage features: 27 levels and tons of power-ups and weapons...yes online multiplayer would be sweet...and 4-player would be great...and both together would be an absolute "fun-gasm" (regardless of the control issues) but the game is only $10 so how can you really penalize it for not offering the features of a $60 Xbox 360 game or even a $20-$30 other PC indie title... you can't. How can you not want to support a guy who makes a game like this by himself? and runs a pretty darn good Indie Game Blog at that? can't, so download the Gibbage Demo and try it out... if you don't absolutely hate the controls...and can learn to sort of work around them....then you should invest in Gibbage, because an investment in fun is always...well fun.
Verdict: 87%
1 comment:
So... not only is it ready, it's good too... Nice!
(Great post)
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